Station Profile
Format & Call Letters
Format Description
Mix 97 is Quinte’s #1 At Work Hot Adult Contemporary/Mix Radio Station
Mix 97 is targeted to reach affluent adults 25 to 54 with high earning power in their prime spending years.
Mix 97 HOT AC format continues to remain one of the most popular formats in Canada playing a balanced variety of music from the 1980s to today's hits.
Mix 97's playlist features artists like Lizzo, Harry Styles, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, Rihanna, Adele, Kelly Clarkson, and many more!
Mix 97 also features timeless artists like Rod Stewart, Elton John, Sheryl Crow, Celine Dion, Phil Collins and Fleetwood Mac.
There are 29,660,187 persons 12+ living in Canada. Of those people, 18% or 5,391,683 listen to the Hot Adult Contemporary format.
58% of HOT AC listeners in Canada are married/living in a common law arrangement and 37% are single/never married.
In Canada, 72% of Hot Adult Contemporary listeners live in a household with 3 or more people.
53% of Hot AC listeners in Canada have children under 18.
Canadian HOT AC listeners enjoy going out to music concerts,bars & restaurants more than the average Canadian.
Mix 97 Demographic Profile
Mix 97 Targets Affluent Consumers in the prime 25-54 demographic.
Age: Mix 97 super serves Quinte and surrounding areas targeting Adults 25-54.
Gender: Females 12+ living in Canada favour the Hot Adult Contemporary format. 56% of Mix 97 listeners in Canada are female while 44% are male.
Over 45% of this consumer group falls significantly into the 25 to 54 age group.
Education: 62% of MIX 97 listeners have earned a Trades diploma, completed College or University education.
Occupation: Mix 97 targets individuals who are employed full time in a variety of occupations . 28% are Managers, Owners, Professionals, Executives or are Self-Employed. 67% are employed while 51% work full-time (30+ hours/week), both indexing at 119
Mix 97's Hot AC format is one of the most powerful performing formats for advertisers today!
Lifestyle Profile
Mix 97 listeners are in their prime earning and spending years.
Home: Mix 97 targets home owners. 36% of Hot AC listeners have a mortgage. A huge category with these consumers is home improvement and home decorating.
Home Spending: Started or completed in the past 2 years:
- Interior painting/wall paper
- Landscaping or yard improvements
- Plumbing
- Exterior painting/staining
- Deck/fencing
- Energy conservation projects
- Floor tiles or vinyl flooring
- Installed windows or doors
- Other home project(s)
Spending: Mix 97 targets listeners with large purchasing power with retail sales in Quinte.
Investments: Mix 97 targets listeners who have high incomes and invest in mutual funds, stocks/bonds, retirement programs, savings accounts, etc.
Activity: Mix 97 attracts listeners who are very active participating in exercise and fitness, boating, biking, golfing, gardening, hiking, and going to the cottage on weekends.
Canadian Hot AC listeners enjoy going out to music concerts & bars and restaurants more so than the average Canadian.
Mix 97 targets listeners with large purchasing power in Quinte.
Here's Why Mix 97 Targets Women
80% of all (male, female, and child) apparel purchases are made by women.
94% of all home furnishing purchases are controlled by women.
85% of all household spending is controlled by women.
50% of new computers are bought by women.
91% of all real estate purchases are influenced by a woman.
20% of home purchases are made by single women.
85% of all new vehicle purchases are directly influenced by a woman.
92% of packaged goods spending is controlled by women.
52% of all new vehicle purchases are made by women.
70% of travel decisions are made by women.
92% of all vacation travel decisions are influenced by women.
55% of wine purchases are made by women.
45% of all electronics purchases are made by women, and 61% are influenced by a woman.
90% of women participate in decisions about household investment and retirement accounts.
Source: Bridget Brennan, author of Why She Buys and recognized expert on women consumer behaviors and motivations.
Get your message out to thousand of potential new customers each week with Mix 97.
Mix 97 Listeners Are Active Consumers
Mix 97 targets listeners in their prime earning and spending years.
- Purchase a wide variety of electronic devices including computers, tablets, smart phones, MP3 players, video games, HDTVs, digital video recorders (TiVo) and digital cameras.
- Are big consumers of furniture, major appliances, and automobiles.
- Purchased fine and costume jewelry, cosmetics, perfume, and skin care products.
- Enjoy going out to restaurants often every month.
- In the past year purchased men and women's clothing, infant and children clothing, men's and woman's shoes and accessories.
Mix 97 has wide appeal with consumers who have huge disposable income!
Mix 97 Broadcast Map